Creativity is not innovation but you need both at same time. Creativity is combination of innovative ideas. In today's era everyone is building up the own creation. Creativity and innovation differs a lot, where creativity stands for ideas and innovation stands for application of those ideas. If you have a brainstorm meeting and dream up dozens of new ideas then you have displayed creativity but there is no innovation until something gets implemented. Both the things are somewhat related to each other.
OBSERVATION : The word observation plays important role between creativity and innovation. Observation is a procedure to closely monitoring on something or someone. Observation is key ingredient in creativity. Observation is also linked with a person’s imagination for exp: Person name A never seen buildings he is not able to imagine it.
"The ability to deep observation of behavior of people is the fuel for innovation" – Dennis Boyle
1. Creativity is dreaming things and innovation means making that dreams come true.
2. Creativity is related to experience whereas innovation is related to observation.
3. It's interesting that with all innovation proceeded by creativity.
These things are very important in your personal as well as in professional life one should always think creative and should always make the process of converting these thoughts into practical usage.
1. Innovation depends on your knowledge so you always should enhance and increase your knowledge. Extra knowledge is always beneficial.
2. What you're imagining can be and is created. It's created in the form of a concept in your brain. You can imagine anything.
3. Experience matter a lot.
4. Look where others aren’t looking to see what others aren't seeing.
5. Try to be unique.
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